I am a socio-cultural anthropologist and a science and technology studies (STS) scholar of gender, medicine, and the body. Currently, I am a doctoral student in the History, Anthropology, and Science, Technology, and Society (HASTS) program at MIT.

My research focuses on queer, trans, and disabled bodies and their relationships with medicine, biology, and environment in China and the Chinese diaspora.

My past and ongoing work includes an analysis of the “transgender brain” as a neurobiological construct and trans people’s informal hormone strategies in China.

I have broadly written about and presented on topics related to body, biology, and biomedicine, including the evolutionary discourses in Chinese cyber-feminism, queer STS approaches to smooth muscle motility and plasticity, and a history on the commodification of hormone drugs in Republican China (1920s–1940s).

For inquiry and connection, please feel free to contact me via thelmaw[at]mit.edu